Thursday, April 3, 2008


Thank you all for the overwhelming support we have received so far! As you may have noticed on the right hand column, we have posted the bylaws of our constitution, which we have called the "rules."

These rules serve as the linchpin of our club and as such should be held by all members with the highest respect and reverence. When the Founding Fathers first established the rules governing America, they were merely a handful of British on a revolutionary picnic: there may have been no baskets, but each and every one carried a picnic musket; and while warmth and comfort were nowhere to found, those brave men did indeed cover the Redcoats with a blanket of firepower and freedom.

In this light, please take a moment to read over and absorb the rules we have laid out. We believe them to be balanced and fair. In the meantime, keep checking our website for more information.


Your hosts,

Allison and Michael, Founding Members of The Picnic Club

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